After our visit to the lighthouse we were trying to find a place to eat. We pulled into this restaraunt parking lot which was located behind the building down a little hill. We were busy chatting as we strolled up towards the door. There was a gentleman working on a car that we thought greeted us, but not sure what he said, then he started chuckling. That made us all look towards him, it was then that we all noticed what he was chuckling at. Not 5 feet from us was this creature. We were oblivious to him!!!!!! I don't know what these things do, but I do know that they are just plain UGLY and menacing looking. The sight of him made us move a little faster, so I apologize that I didn't get a pictue of ALL of him.
As we stood staring in unbelief at him, another one came running towards him at
which point we took off UP the hill. When we came back to our car, I was a
bit nervous that something would come at us from underneath the car.
Once safely within our car, we noticed the field next to our car. It had been about knee high grass, and was in the process of being mowed. There were these critters all over the place. I think they must live in the tall grass. I don't think they were too happy about being disturbed.