So my blog is backwards, deal with it. Mark's flight left Huntsville International Airport at 6:15 Tuesday morning. It's an awkward moment when you just want to hang onto them, but they need to go.

A kind gentleman offered to take this picture. Mark is going to be an awesome missionary

I'm so glad they put these "easy" check in stations. They were finally told to put something that had their name in, and walla, it knew who he was.

It was so nice driving 10 minutes to the Huntsville airport, and not 2 hours to Nashville.

Mark learned how to really pack a tight suitcase. He left one suitcase outwest, and Grandpa and Grandma Moser have it.

Morning came Way too early. His last breakfast at home

Out side the Stake Center. My baby all grown up.

Mark enters the MTC today. I know he's going to be an awesome Elder.
Look at those cool OGIO bags!! I want some!! He is a good looking missionary. I am sure he will be awesome as well.
Photos say it all! What a bittersweet moment! You work all their life to get them ready to go on a mission and then when they go, it pulls hard at your heartstrings. Great pictures of a handsome, wonderful young man! You can be proud of your efforts.
Love, Janice
Funny my mom used the word 'bittersweet' because that was the word that kept coming to my mind too. Congrats to the mom!!!!
You know... I can totally remember when he was an annoying (I say that because I was the much "cooler" cousin... Not that he was annoying or anything ;)) Boy he sure looks handsome all dressed up!! I wish him the best of luck!!
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