I wanted to document the differant steps in making this particular quilt. It is put together in a very differant way because of all the differant elements in the quilt. It has taken a LONG time to piece all the differant elements, but now that is done, it will go together very quickly.

I wanted to show some of the individual details in the quilt. There is a total of 16 of these stars. They are extremely difficult to put together. Stopping at the 1/4" spot so you can turn and inset the next piece. It is a pain in the sewing sitter.

The middle star works up rather quickly although it is very complicated. This quilt takes a long time to cut out because of the differant angles and sizes of stuff. It is definitely a labor of love for my Jennie bug. I know that she is looking forward to having this on her bed.

This one of the inside borders where the fan block first makes its appearance. I love the colors that Jennie chose. She does not like organized, she loves a state of caous in art. I on the other hand love things to be matchy matchy, so we had to work together to make sure both parties involved liked the finished product.

Her dominate colors are blue and yellow, but we have a lot of peach, pink, a little purple, green for the accents. I absolutely love this 30's reproduction fabric. I find myself very drawn to quilts out of this era fabric. I'm excited to figure out a project for the scraps.

I am excited to have Jennie's Grandma Moser hand quilt this one. It will truly make it an heirloom.

It is hard to see the design on the white fabric, but it has a nice pattern on it. The white really sets off the pieced blocks.

I love the yellow sawtooth blocks around the second star. Jennie wanted a mish mash of yellows, where I wanted one yellow. So we compromised, and it is a very organized use of multiple yellows.

I love the polka dot yellow. Every diamond cut from that fabric is differant, adds great interest to the quilt.
i can't wait to see it all done, it really has been a fun project to work on together (although i think my portion of the work is almost laughable... hehe)...
i'm just glad that we can agree, and even more amazing that Jon likes it!!!!
It looks amazing, but I'm guessing that pictures don't do it justice. It's always good to finish off a big project!
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