I know that we are completely crazy, but... we have wanted to remodel our kitchen for a long time. Despite our current state, we are pressing forward. If we move, the kitchen needed to be updated to sell. If we stay, the kitchen needs to be updated for us. A couple of Saturday's ago we tore the wall out that separated the kitchen and dining room. Friday and Saturday was demo of the floor. The dining room had a beautiful oak hardwood floor under very disgusting carpet. We were sad when we pulled the carpet to see the floor in such good shape, we should have pulled it years ago. You just never know what condition the floor will be in.
We are saving the wood, when we have the wood floors re-finished in the rest of the house, they will be able to use this wood to patch the damaged parts in the other rooms.

We were surprised how much sand was under the oak floor. Made me realize how it can work its way into every nook and cranny.

Marlow pulled the linoleum and backing out of the kitchen area. We are planning on putting tile down for the new floor. We'll get all the new backer board and cement board down, and then pull the lower cabinets.
While Marlow was tearing the floor up, I mowed the lawn, and worked outside. The heat and humidity about did me in, so I moved on to an in-door project.

This is the center of Jennie's wedding quilt. It might get done by her 3 year anniversary. I have all the piecing done, been working on it for several years. Hopefully I can get it put together in the next month. I guess better late than never.
I love the quilt!! You are so very talented!! You'll have to post finished pictures of both the home improvements and the quilt!!
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